Applying the Profit First Method for More Effective Accounting in Odoo Accounting

Odoo, as one of the well-known ERP software, provides various features to facilitate the accounting and financial management process. However, for this system to be effective, it is important to understand and apply the basic principles of financial management, one of which is the Profit First method developed by Mike Michalowicz.

In the world of accounting and financial management, managing income and expenses is key to ensuring the long-term success of a business. Odoo, as one of the well-known ERP software, provides various features to facilitate the accounting and financial management process. However, for this system to be effective, it is important to understand and apply the basic principles of financial management, one of which is the Profit First method developed by Mike Michalowicz. This article will discuss how Odoo can be used to implement the Profit First method and optimize financial distribution in your business.

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Introduction: Managing Revenue with Odoo

When a business makes sales, the money received must be managed carefully. In Odoo, this process starts from creating an invoice and receiving payment which is automatically recorded in the accounting system. However, proper record keeping alone is not enough; how the money is divided into various categories such as taxes, operational costs, and profits is another important aspect.

Financial Sharing System in Odoo

1. Allocate Income Tax

In Odoo, you can set up your income tax account and manage tax payments easily. When you create a sales invoice, income tax can be set to be calculated automatically and allocated to the appropriate accounts. It is important to set aside a portion of income to pay these tax obligations.

2. Manage operational costs

Odoo allows you to manage operational costs with various accounting and budgeting features. You can allocate budgets to expense categories such as salaries, rent, and utilities. With the budget feature in Odoo, you can monitor and limit operational expenses to stay within predetermined limits.

3. Managing Debt Financing

If your business has debt, Odoo makes it easy to record and track debt payments. With the debt management feature, you can manage installments and interest in detail. This helps ensure that debt financing is managed well and in accordance with the established budget.

4. Establish Profits

The Profit First method prioritizes profits before other costs. In Odoo, you can set a profit percentage and allocate a share of revenue to profits first. While Odoo doesn't have built-in features specifically for Profit First, you can use reports and analytics to monitor profit allocation and ensure that the percentages set are appropriate.

5. Manage Sales Tax

Odoo also provides features for managing sales tax. This tax can be set in the system and calculated automatically when creating an invoice. Make sure that a portion of the income is set aside to pay the appropriate sales tax.

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Implementing the Profit First Method in Odoo

The Profit First method focuses on a simple but effective principle: establishing profits first before allocation to other costs. Following are the steps to implement this method in Odoo:

1. Set a Profit Percentage

Determine the profit percentage you want to allocate from each income. For example, if you set 20% as profit, make sure that this amount is allocated first before setting a budget for other costs.

2. Use Odoo's Budget Feature

Take advantage of the budget feature in Odoo to manage operational cost allocation. You can create separate budgets for different expense categories and ensure that expenses do not exceed the set budget limits.

3. Monitor and evaluate regularly

Odoo provides various reports and analyzes that help you monitor and evaluate financial shares. Use this report to check whether the allocation for profits and other costs corresponds to the established percentages.

4. Adjust the Budget Based on Performance

If you see that expenses exceed the budget limit or the profit percentage is not achieved, adjust your budget and financial management strategy. Odoo allows flexible budget adjustments to help you stay on track.

The Importance of Effective Financial Management

Managing finances effectively is the key to business success. By using Odoo and implementing the Profit First method, you can ensure that your business not only manages income and expenses well, but also prioritizes profits and maintains financial health.

If you need help implementing the Profit First method in your Odoo system or need further consultation regarding financial management, our team at Panemu is ready to help. Feel free to contact us via WhatsApp at to get free consultation and support in optimizing your Odoo accounting system.


By utilizing Odoo and applying Profit First principles, you can manage your business finances more effectively. This system helps you ensure that profits are a top priority, and each expense category is managed wisely. This way, you can maintain the financial health of your business and achieve better financial goals.

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