Material Cataloguing​ Inventory Training

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Material Cataloguing, Spare Parts Inventory Training aim to equip the Supply Chaing Management Division to understanding creation and updating the Material Master that enable companies to improve performance, mitigate risks, reducing unnecessary cost and thereby enhance profitability. The material training will be focused to help asset driven organizations to build a robust foundation of classified data for a varied set of indirect parts. Structured, accurate and complete MRO materials data will bring efficiency across functions of your enterprise.

Training Objective:

  • To ensure that there is a common understanding of the Benefit and Cost associated with Supply Cataloguing. 

  • Understanding of  Supply and Inventory Cataloguing

  • Understanding of Data Standards and how these can assist inquiry

  • The Role you can play to assist Inventory and Supply Cataloguing

This Training can be provided at any particular level:


Provides a basic introduction to Supply Cataloguing.

  • Introduction to Supply Cataloguing
  • Catalogue Information/Introduction to identify the Item
  • Numbering and Classification System
  • Standardization Item Name and Description


Provides an in-depth understanding of Supply Cataloguing

  • Basic Level Training
  • Supply Cataloguing Principle
  • Specification and Drawing
  • Supply Cataloguing User Liaison and Training
  • Procedure to Catalogue an Item


This Training is client specified.

  • Alignment with Specific Needs
  • Increased Effectiveness
  • Focus on Required Skills
  • Identification and Filling of
    Skill Gaps


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[email protected]

Phone/Whatsapp :

+62812 1590 2011

Head Office :

Jl. Panemu No. 01, Kalisoka, Margosari, Kec. Pengasih, Kab.  Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55652

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