10 Things That Must Be on an eCommerce Website

For your business to survive and thrive in an increasingly competitive market, your eCommerce website must be equipped with key features that not only attract customers but also increase conversions and customer satisfaction.

In the fast-paced digital era, having a competitive eCommerce website is no longer just an option, but a primary necessity. For your business to survive and thrive in an increasingly competitive market, your eCommerce website must be equipped with key features that not only attract customers but also increase conversions and customer satisfaction.

Lariss eCommerce comes as an all-in-one solution that offers the main features needed to create a modern and efficient eCommerce website. In this article, we'll discuss the ten key features every modern eCommerce website should have, as well as how Lariss can meet and exceed these needs.

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1. Responsive and Professional Design

Why It's Important: Visitors who come to your website can come from various devices, be it desktops, tablets or smartphones. Responsive design ensures that your website looks and functions well on all devices.

How Lariss Achieves: Lariss provides a variety of responsive and customizable design templates, ensuring your website looks professional and attractive on any device. Apart from that, you can also rely on our team of designers to create a unique look according to your brand.

2. Easy and User-Friendly Navigation

Why It's Important: Intuitive navigation helps customers find the products or information they're looking for quickly, improving the user experience and chances of conversion.

How Lariss Delivers: Lariss offers user-friendly navigation features with customizable menus. You can easily set categories, filters, and search to ensure customers can find what they need quickly.

3. Flexible Payment Options

Why It's Important: Providing a variety of payment options helps reduce transaction friction, makes it easier for customers to complete purchases, and increases their satisfaction.

How Lariss Fulfills It: Lariss supports a variety of payment methods, including bank transfer, credit card, and e-wallet. This secure and flexible payment system ensures transactions run smoothly and provides the best choices for your customers.

Mulai Sekarang!

4. Strong Security

Why It's Important: Security is one of the main concerns for customers when shopping online. A secure eCommerce website will protect customer data and increase their trust in your brand.

How Lariss Delivers: Lariss is equipped with the latest security protocols, including SSL encryption and real-time security monitoring, to ensure your customer data remains safe from cyber threats.

5. Efficient Product and Inventory Management

Why It's Important: Good product and inventory management helps you maintain accurate stock, avoid overselling, and ensure customers always have up-to-date information regarding product availability.

How Lariss Delivers: With Lariss, you can easily manage product inventory, set product variations, and track stock in real-time. This system also allows you to add product descriptions, images, and reviews easily.

6. Integrated SEO Features

Why It's Important: Good SEO helps your website appear on the first page of search results, increasing visibility and bringing in more visitors.

How Lariss Delivers: Lariss has integrated SEO features, allowing you to optimize every product page, article, and category with relevant tags, meta descriptions, and keywords, as well as monitor your overall SEO performance.

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7. Customer Review and Testimonial System

Why It's Important: Customer reviews and testimonials provide social proof that can influence new customers' purchasing decisions. They are more likely to buy products that have positive reviews.

How Lariss Fulfills It: Lariss allows your customers to leave reviews and testimonials on the products they purchase. This feature is easy to manage and can be set to display the most relevant or helpful reviews on product pages.

8. Promo and Discount Features

Why It's Important: Promotional offers and discounts are one of the most effective ways to attract new customers and increase sales.

How Lariss Fulfills It: With Lariss, you can easily create and manage various types of promos and discounts, such as percentage off, minimum purchase, or coupon codes. This feature is designed for maximum flexibility, allowing you to customize promos to suit your marketing strategy.

9. Loyalty Program and Affiliate System

Why It's Important: Loyalty programs encourage customers to return, while affiliate systems allow you to expand your marketing reach through partners.

How Lariss Delivers: Lariss offers a loyalty program feature that allows you to reward loyal customers, as well as an integrated affiliate system to support commission-based marketing strategies.

Mulai Sekarang!

10. e-Course Features to Build Community

Why It's Important: Providing education to customers through e-courses not only adds value to them but also helps build a loyal and engaged community.

How Lariss Fulfills It: Lariss has an e-course feature that allows you to offer online courses to customers. This feature can be integrated with loyalty programs or used as a marketing tool to attract more customers and increase their engagement with your brand.


Having a modern eCommerce website equipped with the above key features is not just about keeping up with trends, but also about meeting customer needs and driving sustainable business growth. Lariss eCommerce comes with all the key features every modern eCommerce website needs, allowing you to focus on growing your business without having to worry about technicalities.

If you want to build a strong and competitive eCommerce website, Lariss is the right solution. Contact us now to get started and see how we can help you achieve success in the digital world.