Ela Elo: Twitter replacement application claimed to be made by Kominfo, is it true?

Recently, a new social media application called Ela Elo emerged which received widespread attention from the Indonesian people. This application is claimed to be a replacement for Twitter.


Recently, a new social media application called Ela Elo emerged which received widespread attention from the Indonesian people. This application is claimed to be a replacement for Twitter, especially after Twitter's new policy which allows the free distribution of pornographic content. Rumors are circulating that Ela Elo is an application made by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo). However, is this claim true? This article will examine the existing facts regarding Ela Elo and its relationship with Kominfo.

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Twitter's New Policy

Twitter, one of the largest social media platforms in the world, recently announced its new policy that allows the distribution of pornographic content. This policy sparked controversy and rejection from many parties in Indonesia, including the government. Many Twitter users in Indonesia feel uncomfortable with this policy and are starting to look for social media alternatives that are safer and in line with their values.

The appearance of Ela Elo

In the midst of this controversy, the Ela Elo application emerged which was claimed to be an alternative and replacement for Twitter. This application immediately attracted the attention of many people because rumors circulated that Ela Elo was an application made by Kominfo specifically designed to replace Twitter in Indonesia. This claim is reinforced by several parties who say that this application has features similar to Twitter but is safer and in accordance with Indonesian government policy.

Clarification from Kominfo

Kominfo Official Statement

Responding to rumors circulating, Kominfo through the Director General of Information Applications (Director General Aptika), Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, firmly stated that the Ela Elo application has nothing to do with the government. In his official statement, Semuel emphasized that Kominfo had never developed or supported the application. This clarification is also reinforced by the Hoax Check feature on the Aduankonten.id website managed by Kominfo, which states that information regarding Ela Elo as an application made by Kominfo is hoax.

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Facts about Ela Elo

Ela Elo's origins

Ela Elo is a social media application developed by a private company that has nothing to do with Kominfo. This application offers various features similar to Twitter, such as short posts, following other users, and other interactive features. However, there is no evidence to suggest that this application was developed to officially replace Twitter.

Ela Elo features

Ela Elo offers several excellent features that make it attractive to social media users in Indonesia:

  • Ease of Use: The interface is simple and easy to understand for new users.

  • Security and Privacy: Claims that this application is safer and protects user privacy better than Twitter.

  • Appropriate Content: Striving to manage content in accordance with the values ​​and norms of Indonesian society.

Popularity and Usage

Ela Elo is starting to gain popularity among social media users in Indonesia, especially among those who feel uncomfortable with Twitter's new policies. However, this application still has to compete with other social media platforms that already exist and have a large user base.

Hoax and Misinformation

Spread of Hoax

Rumors that Ela Elo is an application made by Kominfo and a replacement for Twitter are widespread through social media and instant messaging applications. Many users believe and spread this information without verifying the truth first. This shows how easily hoax can spread in today's digital era.

The Impact of Hoax

The spread of hoax about Ela Elo has several negative impacts, including:

  • Public Confusion: Many people are confused and don't know which information is correct.

  • Government Credibility: The claim that this application was made by Kominfo could damage the government's credibility if it turns out that the information is not true.

  • User Security: Users who believe in these hoax may download and use apps without knowing the developer's background, which could potentially put their personal data at risk.

Efforts to Overcome Hoax

Kominfo has made various efforts to overcome the spread of hoax, including providing clarification through mass media and the Hoax Check feature on the Aduankonten.id website. The public is advised to be more critical and always verify information before spreading it.

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Alternative Social Media in Indonesia

Other Social Media Platforms

Apart from Ela Elo, there are many other social media platforms that can be used by Indonesian people. Some of them are:

  • Facebook: A very popular social media platform with various communication and content sharing features.

  • Instagram: Social media that focuses on sharing photos and videos.

  • TikTok: A platform for sharing short videos that is very popular among young people.

  • LinkedIn: Professional platform for networking and finding work.

The Importance of Verifying Information

In this digital era, it is important for people to always verify the information they receive, especially from social media. Some steps you can take to verify information are:

  • Check Information Sources: Make sure the information comes from a trusted and reputable source.

  • Use the Fact-Check Feature: Take advantage of the fact-check feature available on various platforms to check the correctness of information.

  • Avoid Spreading Unverified Information: Don't spread information that has not been verified.


Ela Elo is a social media application that has emerged as an alternative for Twitter users in Indonesia, especially after Twitter's new policy which allows the distribution of pornographic content. However, the claim that this application was made by Kominfo and designed to replace Twitter is not true. Kominfo has officially stated that they have nothing to do with the development of the Ela Elo application. Public encouraged to be careful in receiving and disseminating information, and always verify the veracity of information from trusted sources.

Hopefully this article can provide a better understanding of the Ela Elo application and the importance of information verification in this digital era. Let's be wise and responsible social media users together.

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