Fitria Khasanah, Elementary School Student Became a Game Programmer

"Jelajah Lampung Berjaya" not only invites players to explore the natural beauty of Lampung, but also introduces the culture and uniqueness of Lampung as a whole.

Source : Tribun Lampung

While we often see children busy playing games, there is an inspiring story of a 6th grade student from SD Negeri 2 Sukabumi, Bandar Lampung, who managed to create a game with a noble purpose: promoting the beauty of her home region, Lampung. Fitria Khasanah, a vibrant and talented young person, has exceeded expectations by creating the game "Jelajah Lampung Berjaya".

This game is not just entertainment, but also a fun educational tool. Fitria combined her interest in gaming since the age of 4 with her desire to make a positive contribution to her region. "Jelajah Lampung Berjaya" not only invites players to explore the natural beauty of Lampung, but also introduces the culture and uniqueness of Lampung as a whole.

Game Jelajah Lampung Berjaya

However, Fitria's struggle in bringing this game to life was not easy. It takes technical skills and support from family. Her father, Ken Setiawan, not only provided the complete equipment for game creation, but also brought in help from professional programmers to teach Fitria. Support and encouragement from her parents were key for Fitria to continue to grow in the world of game development.

With the launch of the game "Jelajah Lampung Berjaya" on Playstore (For those who still have under Android 13, you can download this game on the website, the positive response from the community is not surprising. Many have expressed their admiration for the beauty of Lampung after playing this game. Fitria has managed to change the perspective of many people about her own region, proving that through creativity and determination, anything is possible. 

Belajar menjadi programmer

As parents, educators, or even gamers ourselves, do we see how important the role of technology is, especially in the world of game development? When looking at Fitria's journey, aren't we inspired to support the younger generation in pursuing their interest in coding or programming? Not just as a hobby, but also as a step towards endless possibilities in the world of technology.

We all have the potential to create change, whether through games, apps, or even revolutionary software. There's never been a better time to start learning coding than now. Be part of the movement to bring more innovation and creativity to this world. Are you ready to open yourself up to the programming profession? Are we ready to encourage the younger generation to learn coding, towards a brighter future in technology?

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