Tokopedia Announces Service Fee Adjustment Starting May 1, 2024

Tokopedia, one of the leading e-commerce platforms in Indonesia, announced a service fee adjustment that will take effect on May 1, 2024.

Tokopedia, one of the leading e-commerce platforms in Indonesia, announced an adjustment in service fees that will take effect on May 1, 2024. This adjustment is expected to bring a more transparent and fair fee scheme for sellers. This step was taken after careful consideration involving various factors, including service improvement, inflation, and Tokopedia's commitment to protect consumers.

Service Improvement and Commitment to Protect Consumers

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Director of Corporate Affairs of Tokopedia, Nuraini Razak, explained that this service fee adjustment is in line with Tokopedia's efforts to improve services to users and support sellers. Some of the service improvements that have been made in recent years include:

  1. Strengthening technology infrastructure to ensure smooth transactions and a safe shopping experience.
  2. Improving the quality of customer service by providing various communication channels that are easily accessible.
  3. Launching various programs and features, such as Tokopedia Academy and Tokopedia Official Store, that support sellers.

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A More Transparent and Fair Service Fee Scheme

Tokopedia is now implementing a more transparent and fair service fee scheme. Here are the details of the new service fees:

  1. Regular Service Fee: Ranges from 2% to 5% depending on the product category.
  2. Power Merchant Service Fee: Ranges from 1.5% to 4% depending on the product category and membership level.

Benefits of Becoming a Power Merchant

Sellers who are part of the Power Merchant program at Tokopedia will get a number of benefits, including access to exclusive features, wider exposure to customers, and more personalized support from Tokopedia.

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Breakdown of Service Fees per Product Group Category

The service fee will be calculated based on the product category sold, with the following details:

  1. Group A category: 6.5% per product sold.
  2. Group B category: 5.5% per product sold.
  3. Group C category: 4.5% per product sold.
  4. Group D categories: 3.1% per product sold.
  5. Category Group E: 2.0% per product sold.

How to Check Service Fees

Sellers can check the service fee on the Add and Edit Products page by entering their product category. Service fee details can also be seen on the Earnings Balance page after the transaction is completed.

Tokopedia is confident that this service fee adjustment will be well received by sellers. With improved services, transparent and fair fee schemes, and various support programs for sellers, Tokopedia remains the first choice as an e-commerce platform for sellers and consumers in Indonesia.

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