Using Unique Coding Methods (NCS and UNSPSC) in Supply Cataloging to Avoid Duplication

The problem of data duplication in the supply cataloging process is often considered trivial, but the impact can be very detrimental to the company.

The problem of data duplication in the supply cataloging process is often considered trivial, but the impact can be very detrimental to the company. The presence of the same data in the catalog can lead to procurement errors, inconsistent pricing, and inefficient use. In this article, we will discuss in depth the importance of using unique coding methods in supply cataloging, especially by applying the NCS (NATO Codification System) and UNSPSC (United Nations Standard Products and Services Code) methods.

Why is this article important to you, the professionals involved in the supply cataloging process? Because through this article, you will gain an in-depth understanding of how to avoid data duplication that is detrimental to your company. We will explain in detail about the unique coding methods using the NCS and UNSPSC, and how these methods can ensure accuracy, efficiency and effectiveness in supply cataloging.

Using Unique Coding Methods (NCS and UNSPSC) in Supply Cataloging

1. Data Duplication Problems in Supply Cataloging

The problem of data duplication in the supply cataloging process often occurs due to a lack of clear coding standards or inaccuracies in data input. This can lead to errors in procurement, inefficient inventory management, and inaccurate information which results in wrong business decisions. By adopting unique coding methods, such as NCS and UNSPSC, companies can avoid this problem of data duplication.

2. NCS (NATO Codification System) Unique Coding Method

NCS (NATO Codification System) is a unique coding system developed by NATO to facilitate the exchange of logistical information between NATO members and their international partners. This system uses a numeric code consisting of 13 digits to identify each item in the catalog. This code includes information such as the user's country, product group, and other special attributes. The use of NCS in supply cataloging ensures uniformity and uniformity in coding, reduces the possibility of data duplication, and facilitates the efficient exchange of logistics information.

3. UNSPSC (United Nations Standard Products and Services Code)

UNSPSC (United Nations Standard Products and Services Code) is a unique coding system developed by the United Nations (UN) to classify products and services globally. This system uses a numeric code consisting of 8 digits to identify categories and subcategories of items. The use of UNSPSC in supply cataloging allows companies to use global coding standards that are recognized by suppliers and customers around the world. This helps avoid data duplication and increases efficiency in the supply chain.

4. Benefits of Using Unique Coding Methods in Supply Cataloging

  • Prevents Data Duplication: The use of unique coding methods such as NCS and UNSPSC significantly reduces the possibility of data duplication in supply cataloging. With a unique code for each item, companies can easily identify the same items and ensure that the same items or components are not over-acquired.

  • Improve Inventory Accuracy: With a unique coding method, companies can monitor inventory more accurately. The unique code enables precise identification and more accurate inventory counting, reduces errors in the inventory process, and ensures optimal inventory availability.

  • Improve Operational Efficiency: By avoiding data duplication, companies can optimize procurement processes, reduce time spent searching and verifying information, and reduce errors in inventory management. This has an impact on increasing overall operational efficiency.

Supply Cataloging Solutions from Panemu

Panemu, as a leading provider of supply cataloging solutions, can help your company overcome data duplication problems and improve operational efficiency. We present SCS (Spares Cataloging System), an application specifically designed to meet the needs of corporate catalog management.

Learn more about Spares Cataloguing System, Click Here

SCS has complete features that ensure an effective cataloguing process. This application adopts the ISO 8000 data quality standard, the NATO Supply Classification, and the NATO Codification System codification and the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC). With SCS, your company can ensure the cleanliness and accuracy of catalog data, avoid data duplication, and optimize procurement.

In addition, Panemu has a team of reliable and experienced catalogers who are ready to assist you in implementing and using SCS. Our team can provide the right guidance for the unique coding process and effective catalog management according to the system implemented in your company. We have been trusted by various companies in Indonesia and continue to innovate to provide the best solutions.

In conclusion, the use of unique coding methods, such as NCS and UNSPSC, in supply cataloging is an important step to avoid data duplication that is detrimental to the company. This method helps ensure accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the cataloging process.

Panemu, as a trusted provider of supply cataloging solutions, can be your partner in implementing unique coding methods and increasing operational efficiency. We are here with SCS, the best application for supply cataloging, as well as a reliable team of catalogers to assist you in the implementation process.